Numerology: * 1 *
Draw numerologist Nº: 81
214 OPTIMIZED BETTING for this draw
(Group filter: 42 numbers and 10 stars)
(Group filter: 42 numbers and 10 stars)
17 successful bets
94,76€ in prizes
(Group filter: System )
Recommended numbers:
Stars recommended: 7,10
(Group filter: System )
Recommended numbers:
Stars recommended: 7,10
€ in prizes
€ in prizes
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** 2 jackpots,
¡¡32.000.000€!! **
¡¡32.000.000€!! **
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Backers: 1 ( 1st category )
** Next Drawing: October 3, 2014.
¡¡Special drawing: 100.000.000€!! **
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